“The film makers have somehow managed to produce a hard hitting, insightful account of the impact of special interest money on electoral politics, yet one that is highly entertaining. It is one of the fastest-paced, most enjoyable, and non-partisan political documentaries I have ever seen . . . By following the money trail, PRICELE$$ pulls back the curtain on how ‘the game’ is really played and arrives at the inescapable conclusion that special interests and the members of Congress they lobby and fund rarely promote the best interests of ‘we the people.’ PRICELE$$ could hardly be more timely and is a must-see film for any American concerned about the health of our democracy! It is suitable for and will be enjoyed by a wide audience, including high school and college students and a wider, general audience.”

Dr. Robert Watson
Professor of American Studies, Lynn University

“PRICELE$$ tells the story of the pervasive influence of special interest money on our government in a clear, connect-the-dots way accessible to all audiences. It will be a superb tool in the classroom or meeting room for anyone who wants to educate our citizens about our broken campaign finance system. I know as a former elected official that my time would have been better spent studying issues and talking to my constituents rather than raising campaign funds. What I like best about PRICELE$$ is that by describing the Maine and Arizona model of campaign finance reform, a successful, workable solution is offered that would change the way our elected representatives approach domestic and international challenges of today.”

Miles Rapoport
Former Secretary of the State of Connecticut

“An excellent and vivid introduction to one of the central challenges facing American democracy: the role of money in politics. Among its many virtues, PRICELE$$ makes clear that the American people are paying a large price — in cash and in policies that do not serve the public good — for a system in which our legislators spend an inordinate amount of time raising money for their campaigns and end up beholden to their large contributors. It would be hard to see this film and not conclude that things have to change — and soon.”

Alex Keyssar
Professor of History and Social Policy, Chair, Democracy, Politics and Institutions, Harvard University

“PRICELE$$ is a thought provoking film that explains in an accessible way the impact of campaign contributions on public policy. The most compelling portions of the film are the extraordinarily frank interviews with lobbyists explaining the use of campaign contributions to affect decision-making at the highest levels of government.”

Frederick G. Slabach
Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law, Texas Wesleyan Law School

“This film is a clear, well-documented and entertaining look at the way small farmers and our food supply are controlled and harmed by large corporations. It also illuminates the political power of corporate money. Big campaign contributions influence legislation affecting us every day, but PRICELE$$ offers hope that ordinary citizens can speak up and fight back. I have shown it in classes, and students responded enthusiastically. Everyone should see this film!”

Dr. Joan D. Mandle
Executive Director, Democracy Matters

“PRICELE$$ is a critical insight into the most critical issue facing the Republic.”

Larry Lessig
Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and author of Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress–and a Plan to Stop It

“The USA is the greatest nation…but not as good as it could be. This film tells us how we can be all we should be…and not simplistically.”

Mario Cuomo
Former Governor of New York

“An eye-opening look into the corrosive influence of money on our nation’s policies. And a surprising look at how we can take our government back.”

John Rauh
Founder and CEO, Americans for Campaign Reform

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